Each bite will bring you closer to clearer skin.

Download the Acne Slayer Cookbook today!

Delicious recipes for the entire family.

Download the Acne Slayer Cookbook today!

Acne: Signs and symptoms

Acne: Signs and symptoms: "Acne signs
Many people think that acne is just pimples. But a person who has acne can have any of these blemishes:

Pustules (what many people call pimples).
Acne appears on the face in all of the photographs above, but it can appear on other areas of the body. Acne can appear on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks.

Acne symptoms
Acne can cause more than blemishes. Studies show that people who have acne can have:

Low self-esteem: Many people who have acne say that their acne makes them feel bad about themselves. Because of their acne, they do not want to be with friends. They miss school and work. Grades can slide, and absenteeism can become a problem because of their acne.

Depression: Many people who have acne suffer from more than low self-esteem. Acne can lead to a medical condition called depression. The depression can be so bad that people think about what it would be like to commit suicide. Many studies have found that teens who believe that they have “bad” acne were likely to think about committing suicide.

Dark spots on the skin: These spots appear when the acne heals. It can take months or years for dark spots to disappear.

Scars (permanent): People who get acne cysts and nodules often see scars when the acne clears. You can prevent these scars. Be sure to see a dermatologist for treatment if you get acne early — between 8 and 12 years old. If someone in your family had acne cysts and nodules, you also should see a dermatologist if you get acne. Treating acne before cysts and nodules appear can prevent scars. 

Learn more about acne:
Acne: Who gets and causes
Acne: Diagnosis, treatment, and outcome
Acne: Tips for managing  
Images 1, 3, and 4 used with permission of the American Academy of Dermatology National Library of Dermatologic Teaching Slides

Image 2 used with permission of Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;39:S34-7.

Image 5 used with permission of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, J Am Acad Dermatol 2001;45:187-95."

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Anti Acne Cookbook

For decades, there have been studies that suggest acne and diet were not related. However, these studies were proven to be heavily flawed. Recently, improved studies have provided strong evidence that diet and acne are indeed related.  If diet can affect other organs of the body, why wouldn’t diet affect skin? Isn’t skin the body’s largest organ? The acne and diet connection was further documented in a recent study when participants achieved dramatic results in only 12 weeks of following the right diet. Yes, chronic acne sufferers can treat acne naturally and get great results!

If you’re thinking you have to eat a bland diet to have clear skin. You’re wrong. You can enjoy delicious meals and achieve healthy glowing skin. How? Well that’s where the Acne Slayer Cookbook comes in handy!  In the Acne Slayer Cookbook, you'll find over 100 easy to prepare dishes. Recipes are jam packed with antioxidants,  anti-inflammatories, vitamins and a load of other nutrients that are essential to healthy glowing skin.  And to top it off, the dishes taste divine!

Notice to Parents

Parents should understand the potential negative impact of acne. Even mild occurrences of acne can cause detriment to their teen’s self esteem. Prescriptions and over the counter acne medications are often ineffective and can cause a host of serious side effects. Treating acne through diet is natural and gentle. The good news is parents can prepare meals from the Acne Slayer Cookbook that will be enjoyed by the entire family. There is no separate meal planning required. Also, the Acne Slayer Cookbook includes dishes that work wonderfully as packed school lunches. Your teen will love you for it! More recipe details are discussed in the video above. 

The Acne Slayer Cookbook is more than a collection of recipes. Download it to an internet capable device, and it becomes an interactive cookbook. All recipes are linked to additional nutritional information, video tutorials, and reviews. DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY TODAY! Before downloading you will be asked to complete a short offer.

Anti-Acne Cookbook ♦ Sneak Peek ♦

Here are some of the delicious recipes that are included in the Acne Slayer Cookbook. The recipes contains ingredients that have been scientifically proven to promote clear skin. Click on images for a closer look. Share these images by clicking on the Pinterest logo.

Start your journey to a healthy glowing complexion. DOWNLOAD THE ACNE SLAYER COOKBOOK TODAY! Before downloading you will be asked to complete a short offer.

Anti-Acne Diet ★ Testimonials ★

Here are some testimonials from chronic acne sufferers who are following an anti-acne diet. 
"There were significant improvements after one week, and now after 2 weeks my face is damn near clear." ~ Tom D.
"It's been amazing. I have more energy. I lost weight. I sleep better. My skin is healthier." ~ Rosa E.
"To my amazement it works not partially but COMPLETELY – on days when I managed to completely do this all my spots deflated, and no new ones formed." ~ Joe A.
"I used Accutane, became severely depressed, and tried to commit suicide. This has been a well documented side-effect of the drug. Oh, and the acne came back after using Accutane...In my opinion, nutrition is related to acne. Nutrition is all important when it comes to health. I've seen the improvements in my skin. I'm happy with the nutrition/holistic path I have taken with my acne!" ~ Jane D.

Diet & Acne

What's eating you?

What most acne sufferers have in common is the Western diet. The Western diet is loaded with processed foods. Processed foods are known to cause a sharp rise in insulin levels. So what does this have to do with your skin? Well, insulin is one of the major hormones involved in your body's production of sebum. Sebum acts as a skin protector. This is at its normal level. If insulin levels are high, too much sebum is produced. This excess sebum will often clog your pores. Clogged pores cause acne breakouts. Control your insulin level and you control your acne breakouts. It's just that simple.

Low Glycemic Carbohydrates

Treatment Acne
Carbohydrates are a vital part of our health. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy and regulate glucose (blood sugar) levels. You're probably thinking, why not avoid carbohydrates and be acne free? Avoiding all carbohydrates is not an ideal alternative to fighting acne. Not all carbohydrates are bad. A healthier choice would be to adapt a diet that includes low glycemic carbohydrates. Low glycemic carbohydrates do not raise blood sugar levels at the same rate as high glycemic carbohydrates. This makes eating low glycemic carbohydrates a win-win situation. By eating low glycemic carbohydrates your body receives the health benefits of carbohydrates while keeping insulin at healthy levels. For more information about low glycemic carbohydrates,  click here. 

Lean Protein

Treatment Acne
Another key element to acne free skin is protein. Red meat provides the best absorption of iron and zinc. Iron is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Acne sufferers often have low levels of zinc. Zinc has antimicrobial properties that are essential in fighting acne and other skin afflictions. Red meat and animal proteins are also rich in Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps rejuvenate and repair skin cells. Red meat, fish and poultry do not affect blood sugar levels. Include a source of lean protein with every meal to help stabilize blood sugar levels. For more information about lean proteins, click here. 

Healthy Fats

Treatment AcneAcne is a chronic inflammatory disease. When our bodies are exposed to inflammatory properties, our bodies become vulnerable to inflammatory ailments. Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Low consumption of omega 3 fatty acids is a likely culprit behind acne breakouts. Incorporating anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids into your diet is a major weapon in combating acne breakouts. Omega 3 fatty acids are also an important part of skin cell health. Omega 3 fatty acids aid the recovery process of our skin cells. This makes omega 3 fatty acids essential in the skin recovering from acne break outs. Fish, seafood, canola oil and flax seeds are excellent sources for omega 3 fatty acids. For more information about healthy fats, click here.

Treatment Acne
Our bodies are made up of over 60% water. Just as other body organs depend on water for optimum care, so does our skin. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water is recommended for the proper functioning of body systems. Most importantly, water is essential in eliminating toxins from the body. Water also helps to keep the immune system operating properly. If the immune system is weaken by excess toxins, skin eruptions are soon to come. 

Treatment Acne
Exercise is important to skin and overall health. Just as with water, exercise helps to cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Exercise is also beneficial in reducing stress. Stress is another factor behind acne breakouts. Stress stimulates the hormones associated with sebum production. The extra sebum produced during stressful times worsens acne. Regular exercise also lower insulin levels. Ideally, acne sufferers should engage in aerobic exercise at least 4-5 days a week. Yoga is also an excellent addition to any stress reducing exercise routine. 

The Acne Slayer Cookbook

Treatment AcneThe right diet, drinking plenty of water and exercising are the keys to a glowing complexion. The Acne Slayer cookbook focuses on low-glycemic carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats. The Acne Slayer Cookbook is more than a collection of recipes. Download it to an internet capable device, and it becomes an interactive cookbook. All recipes are linked to additional nutritional information, video tutorials, and reviews. 

DOWNLOAD NOW! Before downloading, you will be asked to complete a brief offer.

LEARN MORE about the Acne Slayer Diet.

Diet & Skin Health

What is Healthy Skin?

The primary function of the skin is to provide the body a barrier from potential outside dangers. Some of these outside dangers includes unsafe UV rays, bacteria and dirt. Therefore, healthy skin is skin that has the ability to properly function while responding to challenges that could compromise its structure and function.

Organs of Elimination

Organs of elimination are responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. Along with the lungs, lymphatic system, bowel, colon, liver and the kidneys, skin is another organ of elimination. Malfunctions of the organs of elimination will often result in skin disturbances. Healthy skin is a symptom of properly functioning organs of elimination. One of the best ways of optimizing the organs of elimination is a balanced diet.

Antioxidants & Skin Health

Oxidation occurs when oxygen interacts with cells. Cell oxidation occurs naturally and frequently. A small percentage of these oxidized cells will become damaged in the process. These damaged oxidized cells are commonly called “free radicals.”  Free radicals aid the body in killing bacteria and new cancer cells. Adversely, free radicals can attack healthy skin cells leaving the skin with a sallow and uneven complexion. To counterbalance the negative effects of free radicals, the body uses antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium and beta-carotene.  Some antioxidant rich foods include red beans, kidney beans, black beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, citrus fruits, berries, apples, green peppers and green tea.

Essential Fatty Acids & Skin Health

Good fats or essential fatty acids (EFA) are in every cell’s membrane. They are essential because they are necessary for healthy cell membranes. Healthy cell membranes interact well with other cells. EFA create passage ways for nutrients to go in and out of cells. Additionally, EFA transport waste out of cells. They also help cells retain water. The human body does not produce EFA. Therefore, EFA must be obtained through the diet. The dominant EFA are Omega 6 and Omega 3. The body requires a balance of both of these ETA. Omega 6s are well represented in the Western diet. Omega 3s are usually underrepresented in the Western diet. Therefore, a healthy balance of ETA typically requires adding Omega 3s rich foods to the diet. Some healthy sources of Omega 3s include salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, albacore tuna, walnuts and flaxseeds.


Following a diet that is good for overall healthy skin is essential for treating skin conditions. The Acne Slayer Cookbook includes recipes that promotes healthy skin and prevents acne breakouts.

Learn more:

Diet & Acne

⦿ About Acne Slayer

Is Acne Slayer just another Acne Skin Care Blog? 

No. Acne Slayer is a blog dedicated to providing simple ways of treating acne. There are loads of acne skin care blogs that bombard acne sufferers with loads of unproven "methods" for treating acne. The Acne Slayer blog focuses on acne treatments that have been clinically proven and applied by dermatologists and trusted naturopaths.

The goals of this blog is to create an informed acne sufferer and to provide tools for effective acne treatment. Readers of this blog will learn about acne, skin care, and diet. Tools available for download to Acne Slayer readers includes the Acne Slayer Cookbook, Success Plan and the Weekly Food Journal.

Acne Slayer understands that acne is more than just skin deep. Acne is sometimes the cause of low self esteem, depression and suicidal thoughts. Depression is a serious medical condition and should not be ignored. For more information regarding depression, visit iFred. Acne Slayer prides itself on its holistic approach to treating acne. Simply because the holistic approach is the most effective. The holistic approach includes the right diet, exercise, acne treatment and most importantly acne prevention. Incorporating the Acne Slayer tools into your lifestyle will offer acne sufferers immeasurable benefits. 

Health & Happiness to You! 

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