Other Causes of Acne


Until recently, diet has not been a factor in treating and preventing acne. The research behind this blog is focused on recent studies that has shown that maintaining the right diet has proven beneficial to acne sufferers. See the diet section of this blog for more information.


Some cosmetics contain mineral oil. Mineral oil is known to clog pores. Products that clog pores are called comedogenic. People with acne prone skin should look for products labelled “non-comedogenic” or “oil free”. 


Acne caused by medications is called “acne medicamentosa”. Due to the relationship between sebum production and hormones, drugs containing hormones will sometimes result in acne medicamentosa. Some of these hormonal drugs include birth control pills, thyroid medications and androgenic steroids. Other drugs found to cause acne are lithium and antiepileptic medications. 


Acne may be a symptom of certain disorders of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is the network of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Some of these ailments are polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Cushing syndrome and acromegaly. Acne has also been listed as a symptom to non-endocrine conditions such as Apert syndromes and Behçet syndromes. Please note, acne alone doesn't usually indicate ailments. Other symptoms besides acne are usually present.

Contact Acne

Certain items that come in contact with the skin can cause acne. Makeup applicators, hair care products, cell phones, and pillows are examples of everyday products that can cause acne breakouts. Also hands touching the face can cause breakouts.

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