Anti-Acne Diet ★ Testimonials ★

Here are some testimonials from chronic acne sufferers who are following an anti-acne diet. 

"There were significant improvements after one week, and now after 2 weeks my face is damn near clear." ~ Tom D.
"It's been amazing. I have more energy. I lost weight. I sleep better. My skin is healthier." ~ Rosa E.
"To my amazement it works not partially but COMPLETELY – on days when I managed to completely do this all my spots deflated, and no new ones formed." ~ Joe A.
"I used Accutane, became severely depressed, and tried to commit suicide. This has been a well documented side-effect of the drug. Oh, and the acne came back after using Accutane...In my opinion, nutrition is related to acne. Nutrition is all important when it comes to health. I've seen the improvements in my skin. I'm happy with the nutrition/holistic path I have taken with my acne!" ~ Jane D.


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